Costanza Tacoli Lorne Infection and Immunity 2023

Costanza Tacoli

In 2019, I completed a PhD on the molecular epidemiology of P. falciparum drug resistance with Prof. Frank Mockenhaupt at the Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health of Berlin. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I worked at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) of Hanoi on the issue of AMR-resistance in Northern Vietnam. Since 2021, I am a joint postdoctoral researcher for the Institute Pasteur of Cambodia (IPC) in Phnom Penh and the Walter+Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research of Melbourne, Australia, in Dr. Jean Popovici's and Prof. Ivo Mueller's lab teams, respectively. I am currently based at the Institute Pasteur of Cambodia (IPC) in Phnom Penh where I am working on a few joint projects, including the implementation of a serological test and treat (PvSeroTAT) strategy for preventative treatment of Plasmodium vivax and the development of novel long amplicon next-generation sequencing tools.

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